Friday, January 31, 2020

Things to know before selecting Dermatology Specialist in Dubai

Dermatology Specialist Dubai

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Major responsibilities of dermatology doctors in Dubai

Dermatology doctor is also known as dermatologist, who is a specialist in preventing, diagnosing, treating of the conditions affecting the hair, nails, skins, oil glands, mucous membranes (inside nose, mouth, and eyelids, etc which can include cancer. The skin is the most visible and largest organ of the human body which reflects the health of the body. Skin works to become a barrier to any bacteria and injury.

Unfortunately, it has been found that at least one time or another in your life, nearly every person in this world has faced some of the other skin related diseases. Be it in the infants, adults, teenagers, elderly or children. People suffering from any type of skin disease can consult the best Dermatology Doctor in Dubai. Dermatologist in Dubai has already served several patients in this problem. They offer the best services in the world today.

Let us know some of the most common skin disorders faced by the people today.

Types of Skin disorders

    Warts
    Fungal infection
    Skin cancer
    Dermatitis
    Acne affects ( commonly faced by teenagers )
    Psoriasis
    Hand dermatitis which is caused by some type of external contacts made household chemicals, detergents, etc. It has been affecting women’s most commonly.

    Atopic Eczema- which is been found at children’s
    Cold scores etc.

Major responsibilities of dermatology doctors in Dubai

Some of the responsibilities of dermatologist are mentioned below:

    They offer skin consultations
    They refer patients to advanced specialist
    They perform noninvasive surgical procedures on the skin of the patients
    Talk about the status of the skin health of the patient
    Prescribe medication treatment of patients skin conditions
    Evaluate the status of the patient's skins conditions by screening for the disease

Hope this article helped you understand dermatology and Dermatology Doctor in Dubai

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Things to know about STD testing Dubai

STD or STI is a serious matter as about half of the estimated population is affected by it and most of them are the youngsters. People under 25 are usually affected and among those most are the females. What is more concerning is that they don’t even know about getting affected because STIs or STDs did not always show symptoms? Even a healthy person can be affected by it and he/she may not even know about it. Therefore, STD testing is the only preventive way to improve this condition. Moreover, being aware of sexually transmitted diseases or infections prevent further complications. 

What is STDs?

STD or sexually transmitted diseases are usually caused by sexual contact however it may be caused through nonsexual contact as well. A child can get it from the infected mother. Shared needles and blood transfusions are other nonsexual ways of transmitting STIs. Few symptoms may help you notice it such as:

·               Painful urination
·               Bumps on the rectal, oral or genital area
·               Unusual vaginal bleeding
·               Fever
·               Lower abdominal pain

These symptoms may appear early or it can take years as well, therefore, most of the times it gets unnoticed. So, when to go for STD testing? Usually, when the first time you see these symptoms, but if you are sexually active them regular checkup is good for you and your partner healthy. 

Where to go?

STD testing Dubai in a family planning clinic or a sexual health clinic by a doctor is good. However, don’t hide anything from the physician as it can lead to serious issues such as cervical cancer and infertility. Be honest.

About 70-95 percent of people don’t experience any symptoms, therefore, the only way is to get tested, however, don’t go for the self-test as the results are not reliable. Go to a reliable doctor or physician for the test. It usually takes less than an hour to get the results. Anyone sexually active should go for STD testing.